
So Dylan fell at the playground a few months ago and needed stitches in his chin. Total trooper. Marc took him to urgent care, and then I took him to the pediatrician to get the stitches out a few days later.

Dylan is fascinated by painkillers and medicine. So many great conversations about this. And he’s enjoyed telling everyone who will listen about how he got stitches on his chin, Daddy got stitches on his face, and Mommy got stitches on her vagina. Kids!!

Anyhoo, in what we know now was EPIC foreshadowing, a couple weeks ago Dylan said “everyone in our family has gotten stitches besides Hudson!” And THEN, on a random Tuesday in December, as Hudson was running excitedly down the hall, he tripped over his feet and fell forward into the corner of a wall. Eek. He got a deep gash in his forehead and there was no question he needed stitches.

Poor guy

I dropped off Dylan with Marc and rushed Hudson off to Children’s Hospital, which was amazing. They have a specialist whose only job is to stitch up kids- perfect! Hudson was a total champ and basically just played with his new Chanukah toys (transformers) and mustered all his sass to make sure I spelled his name correctly at check-in. I would go so far as saying that he had a great time at the hospital 😂

Genuinely, he impressed everyone by how calm he was – they put him in what was basically a straight jacket to hold him in place, and he didn’t mind a bit (while watching minions). The only time they had to ask him to hold still was when he was laughing 🙂

It is quite possible that he will look back on the experience fondly, what with apple juice, fun toys and some special Mommy time. He did so great!! And the first thing he did when back in our building?? Race down that exact same hall, “full speed ahead!” (as he’d say). It’s okay, I can handle a few more grey hairs 🙂

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