Dylan is 7!!

In March, I smugly remarked how lucky we were to have gotten to celebrate the boys’ bdays pre-pandemic. Well, here we are and we’re all having pandemic birthdays!!

How DOES one celebrate a winter birthday during covid? You dress warmly, that’s how 🙂 We rented a campfire at a park in MD to roast s’mores with Dylan’s best buds, and despite a number of snafus, it was a blast.

First of all, everyone went to the wrong park… and once there, the playground was covered in snow (it had all melted in DC!) The kids had so much fun running around that we stayed for a while, had amazingly delicious baked and wired cupcakes, and then headed to the correct park a little later 😂

He had so much fun but did not surpass his prior s’mores eating record 🙂

Dylan’s party was on a Saturday, but Sunday (December 20th) was his actual birthday, so I let him pick whatever he wanted to do and eat on that day. He chose: stay in pajamas and play legos most of the day with Hudson, ice skating, and pizza / French fries / ice cream for dinner – solid plan!!

This is how you go to sleep on your last night of being 6, in case you were wondering

His day actually started like this, letting Mommy sleep in a little:

Top bunk!

We opened presents, including a special lego ninjago that Hudson picked out for Dylan.

Ending the day with milkshakes!!

Lastly, if that wasn’t enough, we also went to NYC a few days later (more on that soon) and included some birthday surprises for Dylan, including this one:

He had a great birthday! Dylan is becoming such a big boy – he takes showers now, reads incessantly, continues to love math quizzes and factoids about animals, and has become an eloquent advocate for himself. He also loved hearing how I became “Mommy” the day he was born (I was only “Cheryl the lawyer” previously). Love this little guy.

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